Some of the best minds in the country, coming from different sectors of the political spectrum combine in this film to expose an intricate web of deceitful wickedness controlling America today. Matrix of Evil contains footage from speeches and conversations with Alex Jones, Congressman Ron Paul, Colonel Craig Roberts, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Frank Morales which cover and include: – How the private banks control the military-industrial complex – Expert analyses of the USA Patriot Act and the latest police state developments – Globalist financial policies pushing America and the world into depression – How the neoconservative movement controlling the Bush administration is nothing more than a trojan horse for a big government agenda of ivory tower social engineers – The latest revelations concerning cashless society control grid, satellite tracking, [More]
After WWII, compartmentalised secret fractions inside NSA, CIA, British Intelligence Mi5 and Mi6 and other government agencies got involved in the drug market. They are now behind all the illegal global drug market. Money from the global drug market are used to fund wars, black budgets and secret projects around the world. This video includes clips from mainsteam media at the time, CBS etc. ARKANSAS GOVERNOR BILL CLINTON PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH CIA DRUGS FOR GUNS CONNECTION By Paul DeRienzo An independent group of researchers in Arkansas are charging that Governor Bill Clinton is covering up an airport used by the CIA and major cocaine smugglers in a remote corner of the Ozark mountains. According to Deborah Robinson of In These Times, the Inter mountain Regional Airport in Mena, Arkansas [More]
Our right to own property is at the core of freedom and liberty. Simply put, if you can’t own property, you become property! Is the environmental movement really concerned with protecting nature or is there a hidden agenda to control and eliminate private property? Who is behind this movement? Are the constitutional rights of ordinary citizens being systematically violated? Behind The Green Curtain blows back the green veil hiding the environmental movement. It reveals a dark, cynical reality of the movement unconcerned about nature and the environment. It focuses on the mega-foundations and the financial elite behind them. Learn about their hidden agenda of power, control and the goal of eliminating private property altogether!
Excellent filmstrip from 1979 about the creation and foundation of the United States constitution and the Bill of Rights. Visit the America – Bastion Of Freedom website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD. Home
While parents, schools, provinces and states across North America bicker about the democratic process of running public schools, forces are manipulating education from behind the scenes. Major international players are reshaping public education to suit their own self-serving agendas, without regard for the wants of parents and the welfare of their children. This video lecture documents how today’s educational system dumb down kids deliberately, making zombie-like people who don’t ask any questions but just follow orders. Visit the Who Controls Our Children? website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.